Each Monday, I post 6 things I have found and adore in the Craft, Paper, Art, Design, Fashion, and Food catagories.
Sewing/Craft: I love the idea of turning these ornate clock hands,
or even simple ones, into stunning jewelry.
(I know I'm posting links to buy, not make, here but it's a simple DIY
by adding them temporarily to a pair of stud earrings)
Paper: I'm always interested when someone comes up with a new way
to do something that's always done the same, like these addressed envelopes.
Art: I admit it. I'm on a gnome kick. They're just so cute.
Design: Although I love the bright colors on white in this room, I have to
say what stands out to me is that FANTASTIC pendant!
Fashion: How simple is this! I wear flats a lot and I'm always
wondering how to jazz them up. This girl got it spot on: by simply
tying a ribbon around her foot!
Food: Another thing I'm slowly worming my way into is
Bento making. While perusing lovely Pinterest land, I found these:
adorable animal shaped breads. Almost too cute to eat!